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No more Blockbuster Late fees

Starting on New Years day, late fees at Blockbuster will be a thing of the past. But don't think that means you never have to return your DVDs, movies and games. The same deadlines apply, but now you have a 1 week grace period to return stuff. After that, you'll be billed for the cost of the DVD or game. You still have 30 days to return the item if you don't want to "buy" it, but you'll be charged a "minimal" restocking fee. This may seem like a downside, but I can't count how many times I've been charged late fees for a DVD that's only a few minutes late. As you may have guessed, this decision is going to cut into blockbuster's earnings; they estimate they'll be missing out on $250 to $300 million in operating income. I knew charging a late fee was big business, but "DANG, that's a lot of money!"



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