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TiVo Honored in Billboard Digital Entertainment Awards

TiVo Inc. ,creator of and leader in digital video recording services (DVRs), announced it received the Television Technology of the Year award announced at the first annual Billboard Digital Entertainment Awards in Los Angeles.

"While our customers often tell us how much they love TiVo, it's always a great honor to be recognized by industry leaders and innovators," said Matt Wisk, chief marketing officer of TiVo. "Awards like these inspire us to continue developing new technologies and services that will revolutionize the way the world watches TV."

TiVo has become the most prominent provider of DVR services, defining the industry and its path for the future. Despite the explosion of competing DVR products introduced since TiVo's inception, TiVo was the only DVR service nominated in the Television Technology category.

The Billboard Digital Entertainment Awards honor innovation, entrepreneurship and brand development in digital entertainment. Twenty-seven awards were given across four major categories: Best Of Show; Games; Music; Film, Television and Video. The Television Technology of the Year award was awarded to the product that has impacted the television industry through a new approach or idea that takes the industry in a new direction. The judges were chosen from corporate executives, journalists, and academics who have provided insight and advanced the digital entertainment industry.



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